My friends were really surprised when I gave up dating escorts in London, and started to date escorts back home in Guildford instead. First of all, it is a lot more convenient to date in Guildford. It means that I don’t have to stay behind in London to meet up with girls, and I like the idea that I can take an earlier train home instead. It is nice to be able to get home a bit earlier and I do feel that I spend an excessive amount of time away from my home near Guildford.
Another thing that I really like about Guildford escorts of as well is that they do outcalls. Yes, it is nice to be able to go around to a girl’s place and have some fun, but in many ways it is even nicer when she comes around to your place. So far, I have certainly got a real kick out all of the outcalls that I have had here in Guildford. It is really nice to be able to meet up with a hot girl in the privacy of your own home as you can relax afterwards.
I also have to admit that I think that many of the escorts in London are rather fake. During my last dates in London, I did notice that a lot of the escorts that I was meeting up with had been really enhanced. Most of them looked a little bit fake, and that did not turn me on at all. I know that there is a lot of pressure on girls to look their best all of the time, but I am only beginning to think that some London escorts are over doing. The girls that I have met at Guildford escorts are so much more natural.
Time is another factor that is important. The girls who work for London escorts seem to be in a hurry to complete a date. I am sure that I have missed out on time with my favorite escorts. That has never happened to me here with Guildford escorts. The girls always make sure that they arrive on time, and they never leave before they should. In fact, many of the girls stay a bit longer and I think that I prefer it that way.
In fact, I think that I have more of a personal connections at Guildford escorts and that I have got to know some of the girls. At first I did not expect that to make a difference at all but it certainly has. The girls are hot and sexy, but they are nice as well. If you are looking for a genuine girlfriend experience, I would certainly consider dating Guildford escorts. Perhaps coming out from London on the train is too much, but if you live in the area, I think it is the perfect alternative. The girls are hot and sexy, and at the same time they seem to get a kick out giving you a personal service.